Phone: 203-977-4399


For environmental related concerns or complaints, including housing, inspections, & more, click here.

To report a reportable disease to the CT Department of Public Health, call 860-509-7994 or click here for more information

Moira Bryson, RNSchool Nurse SupervisorHealth%2C%20Nursing(203) 977-4370
Monselue Perez, DHA, MSN, BSN, RNPublic Health Nursing SupervisorHealth%2C%20Nursing(203) 977-4390
James Federici, MSLaboratory DirectorHealth%2C%20Laboratory%20(203) 977-4378
Jarrett, NormaHealth Inspector IIFood%20Truck%20Committee%2C%20Health(203) 977-5374
Bishop-Pullan, RDH, BS, MPH, JodyDirector of Health & Human ServicesHealth(203) 977-5652
Ebrima Jobe, MPHDirector of Environmental Health & InspectionsEnvironmental%20Inspections%2C%20Health(203) 977-4363
Dube, MPH, CHES, BrittanyBehavioral Health, Health Promotion, & Emergency Response Specialist, Director - CERTCommunity%20Emergency%20Response%20Team%20%28CERT%29%2C%20Health(203) 977-4389
Raquelle EarlyAdministrative Assistant-HealthHealth(203) 977-4398