The Blight Hearing Committee is comprised of the Chairpersons of the Police Commission, the Fire Commission, the Zoning Board, the Health Commission, and the President of the Board of Representatives, or their designees.

It is the responsibility of the Blight Hearing Committee to hear appeals from the Notice of Civil Citation of Blight Notices. The Committee determines the appropriateness of blight citations for violations as of the date of the original notice of blight.

Staff Contact

Anti Blight Officer 

(203) 977- 5269

Committee Members

McManus, RosanneMember (R)Blight%20Hearing%20Committee%2C%20Zoning%20Board
Alswanger, GeoffMember (D)Blight%20Hearing%20Committee%2C%20Board%20of%20Finance
Fedele, MichaelChairperson (R) Police Commission, Trustee Police Pension BoardBlight%20Hearing%20Committee%2C%20Police%20Commission%2C%20Police%20Pension%20Board